Group pictures

Hansa park (2024) - Science is like a roller coaster, but this great team makes it a fun ride!

Group dinner by the Ostsee (2024)

Our 2nd Orbitrap Exploris 480 arrived! (2023)

Come by our "Publication Fortune" stand, where we make your wishes come true! (2023)

Pumpkin carving at our Halloween Party (2023)

Christmas dinner (2023)
Group picture (2019)

Group picture (2021)
Group picture (2022)

Group picture (2023)

Group outing (2022)

Group trip to ASMS at Houston (2023)

Christmas party (2022)

Barbecue with our alumna and dear friend Michal Nadler-Holly (2022)

Barbecue master Lars Muehlberg - are you hungry?

Group trip to ASMS Houston (2023)

You must be kidding me...

Astralnaut Lars Muehlberg!

Science & Art

Curious to know how a HCMV virion looks like? (@Boris Bogdanow, 2023)

AC cover page designed by @Max Ruwolt and @Barth Van Rossum (2022)

Our 1st scientific imagine for the FMP calendar (@Max Ruwolt, 2022)

Our 2nd scientific imagine for the FMP calendar (@Max Ruwolt, 2023)

Protein interaction network at the synapse (@Barth Van Rossum, 2022)